
Serverless Function to Count How Many People are Subscribed to You in Your Favorite Services

Now on Cloudflare Workers (opens new window) Uptime Robot status (opens new window) Deploy (opens new window) Vercel (opens new window)

🍍 Badge Builder new

The quickest and most reliable way to build a badge powered by Substats and (opens new window) is to use the Badge builder!

# Why I did this?

I initially wanted to combine the subscriber numbers of Feedly and Inoreader — two of the most popular RSS providers, to calculate how many people are subscribed to my blog's RSS. Then it occured to me: I could actually make this into a "Hub", where you can provide a service name, a query key, and out comes the total subscribers of all your services...Hence, I proudly introduce: Substats!

# PROs

  • 🧊 Serverless deployment, minimum overhead (powered by Cloudflare)
  • 🚀 Ultra-fast reachablility for all services (even in mainland China!)
  • 🎈 Simple integration, easy-to-use API with nice badges provided by (opens new window)

# Further reading

# Supported services new

List of supported services is ever growing, feel free to contribute.

afdian bilibili coolapk feedly feedsPub github inoreader instagram jike medium neteaseMusic newsblur reddit sspai steam telegram twitter unsplash weibo wikipedia (zh) zhihu

# Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.

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# Sponsoring

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# What's next?

Last Updated: 11/22/2020, 7:41:04 AM